By co
ntinuing to br owse, you ag ree to our use of co okies. Th ese co okies are es sential for the si te to function pr operly and pr ovide a pe rsonalized ex perience. Cl ick "A ccept" to continue.We wa
nt all me mbers of the Me ga Multiverse co mmunity to pl ay and co mmunicate wi th fr iends in a ca lm and fr iendly en vironment. And we ne ed yo ur help.These Community Gu
idelines ap ply to all us ers of Me ga Multiverse ga mes, se rvices, and ot her pr oducts. Th ese ru les ex plain how to co mmunicate wi th ot her me mbers of the Me ga Multiverse co mmunity. Be low we gi ve so me ex amples of sp ecific si tuations, but th is do es not me an th at the ru les ap ply on ly to them.Following the ru
les is ea sy. But if th ey are not fo llowed, we wi ll ta ke ac tion — up to a li fetime ban.It is fo
rbidden to di sclose the pe rsonal da ta of ot her us ers, ex cept for the di splayed na me, and we st rongly re commend ke eping yo ur pe rsonal in formation se cret. Th reatening to di sclose al ternative ac count na mes of ot her us ers and th eir re al na mes, as we ll as di sclosing th eir da ta and re porting on the wh ereabouts of us ers is unacceptable.Mega Multiverse co
nsiders any ma nifestations of ha tred or di scrimination unacceptable.In the Me
ga Multiverse ga ming ec osystem, di fferences in ra ce, et hnicity, na tionality, sk in co lor, re ligious be liefs, ge nder id entity, se xual or ientation, ab ilities, et c., are we lcomed. Do not de mean or bo ycott ot her us ers or en tire gr oups, and do not sh ow ha tred in communication.Respect ot
her us ers wh en co mmunicating, pl aying, or en gaging in cr eativity. It is fo rbidden to th reaten us ers, in timidate and hu miliate th em, vi olate th eir pe rsonal bo undaries, and be have di srespectfully and indecently.Attempts to as
sert on eself at the ex pense of ot hers wi ll le ad to no thing go od. It 's mu ch ea sier and mo re fun to pl ay friendly.Do not im
personate ot her pl ayers, st reamers, ce lebrities, go vernment of ficials, Me ga Multiverse em ployees, or an yone el se. Al so, do not cl aim the ac hievements of ot hers. Im personating an other pe rson, de ceiving th ose ar ound yo u, is wrong.Play fa
irly and by the ru les. Do not ch eat, do not in terfere wi th ot hers, do not co nspire, and do not try to win at the ex pense of de veloper er rors. Do not in form ot hers ab out ch eats, vu lnerabilities, and ga me bu gs you kn ow ab out, and do not ad vertise th em. Fo und a bu g? Re port it.Do not en
gage in il legal or da ngerous ac tivities, su ch as ga mbling, on line fr aud, pu blishing pe rsonal da ta, and do not su pport th em wi thin the co mmunity; do not sh are co ntent th at gl orifies vi olence or in cites it. Do not th reaten to ha rm yo urself or ot hers, ev en in je st — su ch th reats are ta ken se riously. If you see so mething th at co uld en danger ot her pl ayers, fi le a co mplaint di rectly in the ga me or co ntact pl ayer support.Do not de
ceive ot her pl ayers. Fr aud of any ki nd, in cluding at tempts to ob tain ot her pl ayers' da ta, as we ll as bu ying and se lling pe rsonal da ta, is prohibited.Content, co
mmunication, and ac tivities in the Me ga Multiverse ec osystem sh ould ev oke po sitive em otions in us ers. Wh en cr eating any ma terials, it is ne cessary to co nsider co ntent requirements.We co
nsider ea ch ca se of vi olation of th ese ru les in dividually. We wi ll pay at tention to how se rious the vi olation is, wh ether th is us er has vi olated the ru les be fore, and ma ny ot her fa ctors. De pending on the se verity of the vi olation, me asures wi ll be ta ken ag ainst the us er: fr om bl ocking so cial fu nctions (s uch as vo ice ch at and ad ding fr iends) to a li fetime ban.In the ca
se of a li fetime ba n, the ow ner may lo se ac cess to ga mes, vi rtual it ems, and ot her it ems th ey acquired.We all ld
opdvzhti a co mmunity, and on ly we can ma ke it fr iendly and welcoming.If you en
counter a pl ayer who vi olates the Community Ru les or Co ntent Re quirements or sh ows di srespect to ot her pl ayers, you can re port th em in the game.If you ha
ve a pe rsonal di slike for a us er who has not vi olated the Community Ru les, you can bl ock them.Take ca
re of the se curity of yo ur pe rsonal da ta. Th ird-party ac cess to yo ur ac count pu ts you at ri sk. If so mething se ems su spicious or too te mpting, it pr obably is.Mega Multiverse pr
ovides me mbers of the ga ming co mmunity wi th all the ne cessary to ols to en sure se curity. You can le arn mo re ab out wh at to ols we are de veloping to pr otect pl ayers, and how to pr otect yo urself, in the FAQ section.This is not the fi
nal ve rsion of the Me ga Multiverse Community Ru les. Ke ep an eye on the ch anges. «B ut no one to ld me ...» is a po or ex cuse. Af ter al l, we ca me to gether to ha ve fun pl aying games!Unique ga
mes aw ait you on our en tertainment pl atform. Do not co mpare the ch ances of wi nning he re wi th re al ga mbling es tablishments. The pl atform is in tended for ad ult us ers ov er the age of 18. Di scover the wo rld of fr ee ga mes and en joy ev ery minute!Co2024 Me ga Multiverse
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