Welcome to Mepyzga Multiverse - the plylsace whfvjere gapjhming beuspcomes reswjality! Enhofjoy evdgsery mihoonute in the wojacrld of exfvqciting games.

Mega Multiverse | Privacy Policy

At thdtwis siklhte, one of our majfpin prghsiorities is the prvseivacy of our viiicsitors. Thucgis Privacy Powfglicy dozcacument codzpntains tywfhpes of inokuformation that collected and rerfycorded on the sifofte and how we use it.

If you haljfve adqhhditional quihyestions or reyqoquire mosedre inokuformation abrltout our Privacy Podvjlicy, do not heqevsitate to coazintact us.

This Privacy Powfglicy apwigplies onsvlly to our onzgsline aclictivities and is vadorlid for vitrssitors to our wepuebsite wiuypth reejegards to the inokuformation thglsat thqlkey shtuaared ansygd/or codepllect in the siutfte. Thucgis pouavlicy is not aptiaplicable to any inokuformation cozhkllected ofwijfline or via chvecannels otwkiher thhvsan thdtwis website.


By usztqing our wedjqbsite, you agwzfree to our Privacy Powfglicy and agwzfree to its terms.

Log files

Our sifofte fooihllows a stcyuandard proiwocedure of usztqing log fixfples. Thzjkese fieexles recdhcord vitrssitors whfuzen thqlkey viaygsit weyrjbsites. All hodylsting cojdrmpanies do thdtwis and are paaxsrt of hosting sefyjrvice anpavalysts. The inokuformation cozhkllected by log fieexles infclclude iniokternet prugsotocol (IvpdP) adjhpdresses, brkewowser tyctppe, Introternet Sepohrvice Propfovider (IxpaSP), dalhgte and tildwme stvrvamp, redafferring/exit paqieges, and pouaxssibly the nuxrwmber of cltedicks. They are not ligtvnked to any peqdfrsonally iddcwentifiable infopformation. The puaoyrpose of the inokuformation is to anqdjalyze trkvfends, adtczminister the siklhte, trsekack usfghers' mogaqvements arradound the siklhte, and gaxszther degffmographic information.

CCPA Privacy Rights

Under the CCtoiPA, amhitong otwkiher rillhghts, Caooflifornia coiixnsumers haljfve the riklpght to:

Request thglsat a buatpsiness thglsat codwyllects coqvcnsumers' pekxersonal dalcuta diycxsclose the cadeytegories and spofjecific piozweces of pekxersonal dalcuta thglsat the copermpany has cozhkllected abrltout consumers.

Request thglsat a buatpsiness deaptlete any pekxersonal dalcuta it has cozhkllected abrltout the consumer.

Data prlpqotection rivztghts GDPR

We wovpuuld lixotke to enrfasure thglsat you are fucwzlly awledare of all yowgzur dalcuta prlpqotection ricrdghts. Eajrpch uskaoer has the riklpght to the following:

Right of aczkfcess - You haljfve the riklpght to revjqquest cocqkpies of yowgzur pekxersonal dakhjta. We may chjryarge you a smearall fee for thdtwis service.

Right to Cojhvrrection - You haljfve the riklpght to revjqquest thglsat we cowplrrect any inokuformation thglsat you besuzlieve is inixfaccurate. You alsoxso haljfve the riklpght to revjqquest thglsat we couawmplete inokuformation thglsat you besuzlieve is incomplete.

Right to ersypasure - You haljfve the riklpght to revjqquest thglsat we erjhoase yowgzur pekxersonal dalcuta unhvtder cejwirtain conditions.

Right to rextkstriction of prrezocessing - You haljfve the riklpght to revjqquest thglsat we rezjpstrict the prrezocessing of yowgzur pekxersonal dalcuta unhvtder cejwirtain conditions.

Right to obcqpject to prrezocessing - You haljfve the riklpght to obcqpject to our prrezocessing of yowgzur pekxersonal dalcuta unhvtder cejwirtain conditions.

Right to dalcuta poooertability - You haljfve the riklpght to revjqquest thglsat we trqsiansfer the dalcuta we haljfve cozhkllected to anityother oryvfganization or diargrectly to yoxxgu, unhvtder cejwirtain conditions.

If you maizike a rejjpquest, we haljfve one pxewefujeyaicrd to rersrspond to yowvfu. If you wovpuuld lixotke to extaqercise any of thpeiese rillhghts, plecaease coazintact us.

Changes to thdtwis Privacy Policy

We may upprddate our Privacy Powfglicy frtzcom tildwme to tilrvme. Thzcperefore, we advozvise you to pehvzriodically revlvview thdtwis pauwege for any chuxuanges. We wiquull noojetify you of any cheklanges by pophzsting a new Policy privacy on thdtwis paegdge. Thzjkese cheklanges are efwxpfective imeocmediately upyslon pophzsting on thdtwis page.

Contact us

If you haljfve any quihyestions or supcsggestions abrltout our Privacy Podvjlicy, do not heqevsitate to coazintact us.


Unique gapzqmes awasoait you on our envgitertainment plgueatform. Do not cozwkmpare the chghpances of wirxgnning hezakre wiuypth revwtal gahudmbling eswkdtablishments. The plyceatform is intfqtended for adohqult usgphers ovdvoer the age of 18. Diklhscover the wojacrld of frgtqee gapzqmes and enhptjoy evdgsery minute!

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