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ntinuing to br owse, you ag ree to our use of co okies. Th ese co okies are es sential for the si te to function pr operly and pr ovide a pe rsonalized ex perience. Cl ick "A ccept" to continue.These te
rms and co nditions (& #8220;Agreement”) set fo rth the ge neral te rms and co nditions of yo ur use of the Web si te we bsite (& #8220;Website” or 8220;Service”) and any of its re lated pr oducts and se rvices (c ollectively, 8220;Services”). Th is Ag reement is le gally bi nding be tween you (& #8220;User”, 8220;you” or 8220;your”) and Web site (“Web si te”, 8220;we”, 8220;us” or 8220;our”). If you are en tering in to th is Ag reement on be half of a bu siness or ot her le gal en tity, you re present th at you ha ve the au thority to bi nd such entity to th is Ag reement, in wh ich ca se the te rms 8220;User”, 8220;you” or 8220;your” sh all re fer to su ch en tity. If you do not ha ve su ch au thority, or if you do not ag ree wi th the te rms of th is Ag reement, you must not ac cept th is Ag reement and may not ac cess and use the We bsite and Se rvices. By ac cessing and us ing the We bsite and Se rvices, you ac knowledge th at you ha ve re ad, un derstood, and ag ree to be bo und by the te rms of th is Agreement. You ac knowledge th at th is Ag reement is a co ntract be tween you and Web si te, ev en th ough it is el ectronic and is not ph ysically si gned by yo u, and it go verns yo ur use of the We bsite and Services.If you cr
eate an ac count on the We bsite, you are re sponsible for ma intaining the se curity of yo ur ac count and you are fu lly re sponsible for all ac tivities th at oc cur un der the ac count and any ot her ac tions ta ken in co nnection wi th it. We ma y, but ha ve no ob ligation to, mo nitor and re view new ac counts be fore you may si gn in and st art us ing the Se rvices. Pr oviding fa lse co ntact in formation of any ki nd may re sult in the te rmination of yo ur ac count. You mu st immediately notify us of any un authorized us es of yo ur ac count or any ot her br eaches of se curity. We wi ll not be li able for any ac ts or om issions by yo u, in cluding any da mages of any ki nd in curred as a re sult of su ch ac ts or om issions. We may suspend, di sable, or de lete yo ur ac count (or any pa rt th ereof) if we de termine th at you ha ve vi olated any pr ovision of th is Ag reement or th at yo ur co nduct or co ntent wo uld te nd to da mage our re putation and go odwill. If we de lete your account for the fo regoing re asons, you may not re -register for our Se rvices. We may bl ock yo ur em ail ad dress and In ternet pr otocol ad dress to pr event fu rther registration.We do not own any da
ta, in formation or ma terial (c ollectively, 8220;Content”) th at you su bmit on the We bsite in the co urse of us ing the Se rvice. You sh all ha ve so le re sponsibility for the ac curacy, qu ality, in tegrity, legality, reliability, ap propriateness, and in tellectual pr operty ow nership or ri ght to use of all su bmitted Co ntent. We may mo nitor and re view the Co ntent on the We bsite su bmitted or cr eated us ing our Se rvices by yo u. You gr ant us pe rmission to access, co py, di stribute, st ore, tr ansmit, re format, di splay and pe rform the Co ntent of yo ur us er ac count so lely as re quired for the pu rpose of pr oviding the Se rvices to yo u. Wi thout li miting any of th ose re presentations or warranties, we ha ve the ri ght, th ough not the ob ligation, to, in our own so le di scretion, re fuse or re move any Co ntent th at, in our re asonable op inion, vi olates any of our po licies or is in any way ha rmful or ob jectionable. Un less specifically permitted by yo u, yo ur use of the We bsite and Se rvices do es not gr ant us the li cense to us e, re produce, ad apt, mo dify, pu blish or di stribute the Co ntent cr eated by you or st ored in yo ur us er ac count for co mmercial, ma rketing or any similar purpose.We are not re
sponsible for the Co ntent re siding on the We bsite. In no ev ent sh all we be he ld li able for any lo ss of any Co ntent. It is yo ur so le re sponsibility to ma intain ap propriate ba ckup of yo ur Co ntent. No twithstanding the foregoing, on so me oc casions and in ce rtain ci rcumstances, wi th ab solutely no ob ligation, we may be ab le to re store so me or all of yo ur da ta th at has be en de leted as of a ce rtain da te and ti me wh en we may ha ve ba cked up da ta for our own purposes. We ma ke no gu arantee th at the da ta you ne ed wi ll be available.Although the We
bsite and Se rvices may link to ot her re sources (s uch as we bsites, mo bile ap plications, et c.), we are no t, di rectly or in directly, im plying any ap proval, as sociation, sp onsorship, en dorsement, or af filiation wi th any linked re source, un less sp ecifically st ated he rein. We are not re sponsible for ex amining or ev aluating, and we do not wa rrant the of ferings of, any bu sinesses or in dividuals or the co ntent of th eir re sources. We do not as sume any responsibility or li ability for the ac tions, pr oducts, se rvices, and co ntent of any ot her th ird pa rties. You sh ould ca refully re view the le gal st atements and ot her co nditions of use of any re source wh ich you ac cess th rough a link on the Website. Yo ur li nking to any ot her of f-site re sources is at yo ur own risk.To the fu
llest ex tent pe rmitted by ap plicable la w, in no ev ent wi ll Web si te, its af filiates, di rectors, of ficers, em ployees, ag ents, su ppliers or li censors be li able to any pe rson for any in direct, in cidental, sp ecial, punitive, cover or co nsequential da mages (i ncluding, wi thout li mitation, da mages for lo st pr ofits, re venue, sa les, go odwill, use of co ntent, im pact on bu siness, bu siness in terruption, lo ss of an ticipated sa vings, lo ss of bu siness opportunity) however ca used, un der any th eory of li ability, in cluding, wi thout li mitation, co ntract, to rt, wa rranty, br each of st atutory du ty, ne gligence or ot herwise, ev en if the li able pa rty has be en ad vised as to the po ssibility of su ch damages or co uld ha ve fo reseen su ch da mages. To the ma ximum ex tent pe rmitted by ap plicable la w, the ag gregate li ability of Web si te and its af filiates, of ficers, em ployees, ag ents, su ppliers and li censors re lating to the se rvices wi ll be limited to an am ount no gr eater th an one do llar or any am ounts ac tually pa id in ca sh by you to Web si te for the pr ior one px fujeyaicrd pe riod pr ior to the fi rst ev ent or oc currence gi ving ri se to su ch li ability. The li mitations and exclusions al so ap ply if th is re medy do es not fu lly co mpensate you for any lo sses or fa ils of its es sential pu rpose.More indisclaimer
formation can be fo und in theWe re
serve the ri ght to mo dify th is Ag reement or its te rms re lated to the We bsite and Se rvices at any ti me at our di scretion. Wh en we do, we wi ll po st a no tification on the ma in pa ge of the We bsite. We may al so pr ovide no tice to you in other wa ys at our di scretion, su ch as th rough the co ntact in formation you ha ve provided.An up
dated ve rsion of th is Ag reement wi ll be ef fective im mediately up on the po sting of the re vised Ag reement un less ot herwise sp ecified. Yo ur co ntinued use of the We bsite and Se rvices af ter the ef fective da te of the re vised Agreement (or su ch ot her act sp ecified at th at ti me) wi ll co nstitute yo ur co nsent to th ose changes.You ac
knowledge th at you ha ve re ad th is Ag reement and ag ree to all its te rms and co nditions. By ac cessing and us ing the We bsite and Se rvices you ag ree to be bo und by th is Ag reement. If you do not ag ree to ab ide by the te rms of this Agreement, you are not au thorized to ac cess or use the We bsite and Se rvices.If you ha
ve any qu estions, co ncerns, or co mplaints re garding th is Ag reement, we en courage you to co ntact us us ing the de tails below:2 Dr
ake Av e, Ma cquarie Pa rk NSW 21 13, Australia+61 18
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mes aw ait you on our en tertainment pl atform. Do not co mpare the ch ances of wi nning he re wi th re al ga mbling es tablishments. The pl atform is in tended for ad ult us ers ov er the age of 18. Di scover the wo rld of fr ee ga mes and en joy ev ery minute!Co2024 Me ga Multiverse
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